What is a senior living placement agency, and how can it benefit caregivers?

A senior living placement agency helps people find senior living housing. Typically, they don't refer business outside of that but I do. 


What makes A Perfect Fit different from other senior living placement agencies?

A Perfect Fit can not only handle senior living affairs, but all care plan options needed in order to achieve results of safety and satisfaction. 

What information do you need from caregivers to find the perfect fit for their seniors?

The truth! I tell this to all my clients, in order to help the best I need the truth. It just helps to put the pieces of the puzzle together. 


Can you assist with long distance placements for seniors?

Absolutely! Many of my clients have family in multiple states. I work with them as a group to help determine the best options. 


What kind of support can caregivers expect from A Perfect Fit throughout the placement process?

Personlized support! Each situation is different, so if there needs to be a conference, text message support, or email correspondings my team and I are available.